
It is better to show once then describe hundred times!

Dear users, unfortiunatly some minor antivirus applisations marks our servis as malware.
This is a false positive result.
In this case we have to suspend our service until this problem with antivirus software developers will be solved.
Use good, robust antivirus software witch doese not allow such failures.
Use Kaspersky antivirus, for instance.

WebScreenShare is a simple freeware application to sharing screen over WEB.
Work on your projects together, show presentations.
Application is read only - clients can see your screen but not to interact with it.
No sound suppont - use Team Speak, Skype, Discord or phone.

To share your screen:

1. Download wss.exe(~70KB)

2. Start it (Windows or Linux/MacOS). Get link

3. Send it to anyone you want to show your desktop to (up to 10 clients).
PC or mobile device, any operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS or Android).
No specific applications needed, just browser.

4. Close wss.exe window when you have finished.

Terms of use